18. mars 2022 | Foto: Skjermbilde hentet fra http://notammap.net/ |
Restriksjoner ifm. Ukraina
Flysikkerhetskomitéens Security-seksjon (
Civil aviation operators worldwide must continue to defer all operations to and overflight of Ukraine amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and the subsequent closures of airspace and airports in affected regions. Operators should further avoid airspace within 200 nautical miles of the Ukrainian border in Russia / Moscow FIR for as long as necessary, avoid Belarusian airspace, and monitor developments in countries neighbouring Ukraine. Operators should follow all official directives issued by civil aviation governing bodies amid an escalating series of restrictions and prohibitions between EU and NATO nations, and Russia.
Ukrainian military and defence infrastructure, security force interests, and government buildings continue to come under attack from the air, land, and sea. There has been an increase in usage of less-precise weaponry, including multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), which has resulted in an increase in damage to civilian infrastructure and settlements. Intermittent disruption to domestic communications networks, including mobile and internet service, continue to be reported in multiple locations across Ukraine.
The risk of misidentification and shootdown of civilian aircraft by both sides remains high. This stems from widespread deployment of surface-to-air missile (SAM) batteries and man-portable air-defence systems (MANPADS). The increase in Russian usage of MLRS, although not directly targeting aircraft, also presents a hazard for craft flying at lower altitudes. Airspace congestion from military activity presents a further hazard. Military aircraft, as well as Russian ballistic and cruise missiles, are moving through airways used by civilian craft at multiple flight levels.
Since 24 February, multiple civil aviation authorities have issued NOTAMs or other publications prohibiting their operators from entering or operating within Russian or Ukrainian airspace due to the risk of being penalised by sanctions or misidentified by parties engaging in military hostilities.
Briefingen er noe justert av FSIK iht. gjeldende restriksjoner og råd fra europeiske luftfartsmyndigheter. Med forbehold om endringer vil FSIK presisere følgende:
- Forbud mot operasjoner i Hviterussland (Belarus) / Minsk FIR (UMMV) iht. EASA SD-2021-02 og SD-2021-03
- Deler av Rostov FIR (URRV, i Russland øst for Ukraina) er stengt, og operasjoner i regionen for øvrig frarådes
- Moldova / Chisinau FIR (LUUU) er stengt, med noen unntak
- Polen / Warszawa FIR (EPWW) har innført restriksjoner i østlige sektorer
- Russland (Moskva FIR og Rostov FIR) har innført et midlertidig fareområde over store deler av regionen
- Se EASA Conflict Zone Information Bulletin CZIB-2022-01
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