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17. mars 2022

IFALPA Safety Bulletin - Flying Into and Over Conflict Zones

Skrevet av: IFALPA

As the war in Ukraine continues, the Federation is receiving worrying reports of military and non-military projectiles crossing FIRs adjacent to Ukrainian airspace. The latest event involved a UAS-type projectile crashing in the outskirts of Zagreb on 12 March, after flying through both the Bucharest and the Budapest FIRs.

The ongoing conflict means that such events are, unfortunately, highly likely to occur, posing a direct or indirect risk to civil aviation operating in the affected areas, not just on the ground but also to aircraft during flight operations. States and Operators should continue to exercise extreme caution when flying in these areas and use all pertinent information to assess flight safety and security risk. RESOURCES IFALPA Position on Flying into and over Conflict Zones

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